Candy Cane Bar Soap


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Remember when you were a kid and ran downstairs Christmas morning? One of the first things you saw were the candy canes sticking out of the top of your Christmas stocking? Candy Canes... the fantastic colors... the smell of peppermint... they're just a part of Christmas you never forget!Well, now you're grown and you can still enjoy watching your kids and grandchildren light up when they see their stockings and their candy canes. And, if you've been good, maybe you still get a candy cane. But you're lucky because now you can enjoy the this great symbol of Christmas throughout your home thanks to Blackberry Creek's Candy Cane Soap. And just maybe, if you've been especially good, you might even find a bar or two in your Christmas stocking too!

It has the color of a candy cane... it smells exactly like a candy cane... but, although I've never tried it, I'll trust my instincts that it doesn't taste like a candy cane. But like all Blackberry Creek Soaps it's incredibly healthy soap with over 50% pure, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil and palm oil. It's just one more way Blackberry Creek's products help make your family's Christmas even more memorable.