Musk Bar Soap


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Musk is contained in almost all perfumes, almost every product in your medicine chest, and in many foods. Why? Because musk enhances other fragrances and makes them more enduring.This soap has a truly wonderful musk scent. Not too strong... just right. Another mens favorite soap.This soap contains the highest quality neo musk oil available.

Musk oil used in products today is not natural. That's good news for the musk deer that was nearly hunted to extinction in years past. But the musk oil Blackberry Creek uses is chemically identical to natural musk oil and is the highest quality neo musk oil available.
Like all Blackberry Creek Soaps, Musk Soap contains at least 50% extra virgin olive oil. Together with the natural glycerin retained in cold processed natural soap and natural Shea butter and apricot kernel oil, this soap is extremely good for your skin. The soap also contains colloidal oatmeal making it a mild exfoliant.