Shampoo Bar Soap

Shampoo Bar Soap


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Did you ever have your shampoo leak into your other stuff while traveling, backpacking, or camping? Remember that trip to the gym when your shampoo leaked all over your change of clothes? It's a real treat, isn't it? Tropical Shampoo Bar soap from Blackberry Creek is your answer.
First of all it's a fantastic shampoo. It has the best ingredients you can put into any shampoo. Coconut oil and castor oil for great lathering even in the hardest water. Over 50% extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) in every bar to moisturize your scalp. Sweet almond oil, jojoba oil and kukui oil to nourish your scalp. All the very best ingredients... extremely expensive ingredients. But only the best all-natural ingredients go into Blackberry Creek Soap.

Tropical Shampoo Bar Soap's fragrance is incredible too. It smells like coconut with a hint of lemon and it's not overpowering. It's just a pleasure to use.Just wet your hair and rub the Tropical Shampoo Bar Soap on your head. You get instant, thick lather even in the hardest water and a great fragrance. It's a great shampoo you really have to try.

Tropical Shampoo Bar Soap gets your hair clean and leaves it shiny, thicker and more manageable. No need for conditioners. It accomplishes all this with absolutely no artificial fragrances, detergents, preservatives or colorants. Once our customers try it many decide to use it as their shampoo of choice whether they're traveling or not.
There's even better news! All the ingredients in the shampoo bar soap are great for your skin. All products from Blackberry Creek are fantastic for the most sensitive skin because the family who handcrafts the soap suffers from extremely sensitive skin. So you only need to carry one bar of soap when you travel, go hiking, camping, go to the gym, or whatever. And it won't leak or break. You'll wonder how you ever got along without it!

There's even more good news. All the ingredients are natural and quickly biodegradable. So you don't have to think twice about using it while your backpacking... camping... enjoying any outdoor activity!