Patchouli Bar Soap

Patchouli Bar Soap


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If you're a Baby Boomer you're no stranger to the sweet, earthy, musky smell of Patchouli. Most dorm rooms, fraternity / sorority houses and military barracks emitted the strong smell of Patchouli in the 1960's. It didn't matter if you were a Hippie or not. The smell of Patchouli was everywhere!
Now a test. Why was Patchouli so popular in the 1960's? Select all that apply.

Patchouli is an anti-depressant.
It's relaxing and soothes the nerves.
Patchouli boosts the immune system
It's great for re hydrating and rejuvenating your skin.
Patchouli helps with your respiration.
It's said to induce a meditative state of mind.
Patchouli is an aphrodisiac.
Patchouli, in sufficient quantities, covers up the smell of "other activities"It's a trick question because all the statements about patchouli are true. But if you're a child of the 60's you'll know that selection 8 is the most correct answer whether you personally needed to cover up other smells or not!

A lot of people think that they'll hate the smell of Patchouli Soap. But Blackberry Creek Patchouli Soap doesn't have that overpowering smell of Patchouli you might remember from the 60's. It's far more subdued and pleasing. I promise that if you're washing your hands or showering with our Patchouli Soap you won't have flashbacks of panic if someone knocks on your door.

All kidding aside, The soap has a pleasing, sophisticated fragrance that most people thoroughly enjoy. If you're not sure about it, request a sample when you place your order for our other soap. That way you'll know for sure whether you like it or not.

I should note that Patchouli Oil used in our soap is good for more than its great smell alone. Patchouli Oil is said to be good for eczema, dermatitis, chapped skin, acne, athlete's foot, aged and oily skin and stress and fatigue. So the Patchouli Oil works with the olive oil and Shea butter to make this a very healthy soap for you and your skin.
This is an excellent choice for men although women love it as well. When you choose Blackberry Creek Soap you're assured that you're getting the best natural soap available at any price. Order yours today!

Patchouli Soap Bigger Picture
Patchouli Soap
3" x 2" x 1¼"
3.5 oz Bar
Ingredients: Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO), Distilled Water, Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Sodium Hydroxide. Patchouli Essential Oil, Shea Butter.