Shoofly Natural Insect Repellent Soap

Shoofly Natural Insect Repellent Soap


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Looking for a way to repel flies, mosquitoes and other insects without having a lot of chemicals come in contact with your skin? Shoo Fly Handmade Natural Soap from Blackberry Creek will work great for you! Shoofly Soap has natural oils that repel black flies, deer flies, yellow flies, green flies, horse flies, mosquitoes, no-see-ums and other biting insect pests without requiring DEET or harsh chemicals.
But this soap is more than an insect repellent because It's actually good for your skin. It contains 50% extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), coconut oil, and palm oil. It's extremely gentle for even the most sensitive skin. An you don't have to worry about using it on children because it does not contain citronella... it's completely safe.For the best results, you apply Shoo Fly Soap as a light lather and don't rinse it off. You use it as if it was a lotion. It won't irritate your skin because of the incredibly gentle ingredients.

Once you try it you'll find it's a must for spring and summer outdoor activities. Fishermen, boaters, hikers, golfers, you name it. Anyone who enjoys outdoor activities needs this soap. Find out more about people who use Shoo Fly Soap.

100% Pure Natural Shoo Fly Soap
Imagine. An all-natural black fly, deer fly and mosquito repellent with no chemicals! Have more fun this spring and summer. Order your Shoo Fly Soap today. You'll be glad you did.