Acai Berry & Mangosteen


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Acai Soap has Acai Berry Oil which is extracted from... you guessed it... Acai Berries, the fruit of the Acai Palm Tree found in the Amazon Rain Forest in Brazil.

Acai Berries contain the highest concentration of antioxidants of any food known to man. Because of the anti oxidant content and high concentration of other nutrients it's called a "super food". Benefits are reported to include...
Preventing and/or curing cancer
Relief of arthritis pain in joints and weight loss.

According to what I've researched many of these claims about Acai Berries have yet to be substantiated and I'm not making any of those claims. What I am telling you is that the proven high concentration of antioxidants and Omega 6 and Omega 9 fatty acids in Acai Berry Oil work together with the olive oil and other all-natural ingredients in Acai Soap to make skin cells healthier and look younger because cell membranes become more supple and reduce wrinkles. If the other claims about Acai Berry are eventually proven... so much the better!

Acai Berry and Mangosteen Soap
Our soap also contains Mangosteen Oil which is...
anti microbial
a powerful anti-oxidant
a recognized effective astringent that tones the skin and makes your skin look younger.
The beautiful colors and patterns go all the way through the soap... so it stays beautiful while you're using it. Just look at the partially used bar below. It is beautiful, isn't it?. It just kind of makes you feel good just to look at it, doesn't it? It does for me anyway.

This Soap looks good, smells absolutely wonderful, and you know it's extremely healthy for your skin. It's an absolute pleasure to use and your family is going to love it.