Wild Rose Bar Soap

Wild Rose Bar Soap


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I asked Blackberry Creek to make a natural rose soap. People love roses. People love Blackberry Creek Soap. So what could be better?
Leave it to folks at Blackberry Creek to answer that question... Blackberry Creek Wild Rose and Sweetgrass Handmade Soap. They added just the right amount of essential oil of rose to give the soap a perfect, but not overpowering, rose scent. It smells exactly like when I visit the Hershey Rose Gardens in Hershey, Pennsylvania. It's wonderful.

As if that wasn't calming and uplifting enough they added sweetgrass. Sweetgrass is one of the main ingredients used in Native American medicines to give you a calming effect.

This soap is an extremely healthy and mild soap that's even fantastic for people with extra sensitive skin and skin conditions.

Treat yourself to a bar of this soap today!