Relaxing Bar Soap


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Are you one of those people who never have a problem at work? Are you one of those people who have children that are totally cooperative and never give you any flak? Are you one of those people who has everything go completely as planned and on schedule during their day?
If you are one of the rare .0000000009% segment of the population falling into this category you will still benefit from Relaxing Soap. If you're not, you need Relaxing Soap.

We All Need To Take More Time To Relax...
In today's stressful world we all need to relax more. The dictionary defines relax as "to relieve from tension or strain". The proprietary mix of natural essential oils in Relaxing Soap are said to do just that. Because this is true my customers tell me that taking a bath with Relaxing Soap before bed helps them sleep well and to have vivid and pleasant dreams.

Treat Yourself To A Relaxing Break...

Bathe with Relaxing Soap after work before tackling the evening's chores and activities. Or relax in the tub after you finally get the kids in bed.

Like all Blackberry Creek Soap, Relaxing Soap is olive oil soap that's absolutely great your skin and particularly for sensitive skin. It's made from the highest quality all-natural ingredients money can buy. No corners are ever cut in handcrafting this wonderful soap.